
SkillTest PPL(A) 500.-  
SkillTest CPL(A) 500.-  
ProfCheck CR SEP(A) 500.-  
SkillTest / ProfCheck CR PC-12 (Legacy / NG / NGX) 700.-  
SkillTest / ProfCheck IR(A)-SE 600.- * 300.-
ProfCheck English Level 4 (ELP4 / FCL.055) 300.- * 150.-
Pilot 120.- / h 750.- / d
Ferry Pilot on request
  600.- / d
Expenses (car 1.-/km, parking, flight, train, taxi, hotel 4*, meal, …) at cost
To be paid prior the examination / * when combined with a CR or IR(A)
30% discount for the 2nd pilot (same examination in sequence)
all prices in CHF

Examinations shall be notified to the examiner with all details at least 48h prior NAA regulations.
Should the examination be cancelled for the examiner after NAA notification or 24h prior the examination for any foreseeable reason (documents, training, technical issues, …), a flat rate of CHF 200.- is charged and all expenses due.
All fees and expenses are due regardless of the outcome of the examination.